Tuesday 18 August 2015

Money Is The Root Of All Evil


    People usually have this belief that money has destroyed societies and mankind and therefore it the root of evil. I totally disagree because it is not the money but the person who uses it. There are rich people who are doing a lot for their communities and let just say even if we get rid of all the money, I am sure human beings will find something else to use in order to get what they want. Why I disagree, because my point is crime, gambling and lack of money.

                My first point is crime. Why crime? Because a lot of people in world don’t have money. So to support their families they start committing crimes. They may not have enough strength or patience to work for money, so they turn for the easiest way. Usually the easiest way to getting money would be stealing or doing things for rich people like murder, beating up someone, and so on. Some people murder their own family members so they can become rich thanks to their property. Kidnapping usually happens for money, and even then it is rare that the kidnapped person will be returned. Smuggling is very popular among criminals. For illegal drugs or rare artifacts smugglers can get a lot of money. Everyone knows how expensive drugs are. The same goes for poachers who smuggle animals from one place to the other illegally. They can sell wild animals to people who want them as pet, and so much time, the animals can’t survive. As can be seen, money leads to lots crime in the world. If we wouldn’t have money then we wouldn’t be worrying about criminals. Laconically, greed in mankind leads them to crimes, but not money!

                Second point is gambling, as we all know in some cases gambling can literally affect the personal economic. In the hand, people can turn out to be addicted to it, as they can to drugs, smoking or alcohol. The reason why people are gambling is that most of the are likely to get stressed from working place and some of them making this job of gambling as their habit because it is easy and enjoying when you are lucky enough to win in every turn of gambling, once you entered the gambling world, there is no other way out but debt. In the meant time, for those who succeeded to follow through the games they will keep on playing until they become addicted. Addicted to gambling is the major problem that can bring a lot of negative consequence not only to the surroundings but also to the family. Pathological gamblers are to a great extent more likely to be violent with their spouses and maltreat their children. In the general explanation, money is not the only purpose that can destroy everything but the host plays a great role to control and stimulate themselves due to circumstance to avoid any particular involved to gambling.

                However, gambling is not a crime but illegal based on Islam shariah. Gambling is a habit professional gambler that can make a lot of but just minority of people in certain places can make gambling as sources of wealth. How about normal gambler? Make money by gambling is based on luck and people are not always lucky. People can win thousand ringgit and loss it as well. Even someone lost millions a lot of time in gambling but they want be able to stop gambling because gambling is addictive. Therefore, gambling is a really bad habit to do, it can make people bankruptcy and can make a lot of debt. That is why gambling is illegal in Islam.

               Last point is lack of money. Money is important for everyone because the lack of it is so painful. Everyone knows the saying “money is the root of evil”. I believe that is only part of the truth. Lack of money can makes a person unhappy, feeling not having enough and just wanting more. Even the basic illness can be change with money. For example, there is person been died and do much pain, all because unlimited money to get the best care that them could. Honestly the causes of frustration, conflict, anger or suffering mostly is lack of money. We could change our situation and find money for ultimate the answer. Money maybe cannot buy love, but money allows you to have the things to feel better and put you in better mood. It can change your feelings.

                In conclusion, actually money is not necessary the root of evil because that is three main factor that can cause the money users to do negative things that is crime, gambling and lack of money. The thing we have learned is we must control over the money in order to have better life or else money will control us. If that happen, it will bring us to the root of evil.

Author : Nurul Nazwa, Nuralia, Rus Amira Darviena, Fatini and Nisa

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