Tuesday 15 September 2015

My Best Friends

                                                       MY LOVELY BEST FRIENDS

          What is the meaning of best friends? I think most of the people in this world have his or her best friends. All the peoples have their own meaning of what is best friends in their life means. To me best friends is who always have indeed of friends indeed. Best friends is who rather through thick and thin problems together without thinking about others talk backed. To me, best friends also is the best one that can we share our private secret. How about you guys? Do you have a really good best friends?

           I have eight best friends in my life so far. I known them when I'm further my studies in MRSM Pengkalan Hulu, Perak for my secondary school. I'm knowing them starting from Form 1 until at the end of my secondary school. We have trough together a very memorable experiences together although we are from different country. At school,we always spend time together although we are not in the same class likes having breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. My best friends and me are the wanted students in my school because we are very naughty girls in my batch when i was in form 5. We do a lot of discipline cases such us playing truants, skipping the extra classes and entered the school after 6 o'clock in the evening when we are go to the outing.

        We also active in sports such as in netball and volleyball. In the evening we are playing our sports together because we are participate in our school to play the game at the others school. My best friends also is the excellent students although we always skip the class. Most of my best friends always got the superb pointer likes 3.76 and above. We also remembered others to study smart to get the better results in our examination because we want to showed to our teachers that we can be the excellent students likes others. We shared our money together if one of our member are not enough money. We also need to be fair to others likes when one of our best friends are doing some bad attitudes we need to faced the punishments together without any complains.

        When our Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is just around the corner, we put more effort to study together to get a better result than before because some of us are not too good in some science subject likes physics,chemistry and biology. But now we are far thousand miles from others to continue our diploma in IPTS and IPTA .We still contact each others by using our media social such as Whatapps, Wechat, Intagram and others. I hope i can still meet my lovely best friends when we are in semester break because from that we can still closed back.Credit to you guys Aini Syazana,Aliya Abdullah,Syahira Izaty,Afifah Fauzi,Khairuhusna,Nurul Nabila,Shahila Radzali.

Author by: Rus Amira Darviena Bt Mohamed

My Best Friends

A friend who understands your tears is much valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile. I do have a lot of friends, but not every single of friends will understand me much. Sometimes that, we need to stick with one person because we are really comfortable and feeling that she's the one can be talk to and valuable to be shared.

I knew them when I was in standard three. First time to start knowing each other, I felt awkward and does not know what to talked and what to do with. I am a quiet person, always. And I am not an active person like my friends. Their names are Adila, Amira, Zarifah, Mazuwin and Alya. We are in different classes but we are always recess together. That is time when we are gathering. Now, we are getting older and building our futures with continue studying. Good luck, guys! I will always love you all, I really do.

After SPM, I make myself busy with working in staff-promoter in Sogo, Kuala Lumpur. It is a little bit challenging time faces when I decided to find a new experiences in teenager life. I maked up with finding more friends and now, I am in college life. 

They are my orientation group. First friend since being here. No one I know as they are such like a stranger for the first time. Now, they become my best friends. Every friend has their own attitude, whether good or bad, I still accept them with open heart. No revenge, misunderstanding and prejudice among us. I love them and I hope our friendship will last longer even we are now busy, having new friends or girlfriend/boyfriend. We are come from different places, but our heart are remain same. Too much memories we've been through, whether in a good or bad times. I love you!

"A friend will calm you down when you are angry. But a best friend, skips beside you with a bat singing 'someone gonna get it!'"

This two person is my favourite girls. They are always by my side no matter how hard the situation is. That's why I love them. Every friends has their own weakness and advantages. I don't care about their weakness because everyone is not perfect. "Beauty and money does not important in building a friendship." But heart, is the important thing and task to take care of. 

Author : Nuralia Binti Rudi


What was best friend? Best friend is someone who can help us in whatever problem we face. best friend are always there for us no matter happy or sad, sad or happy.

 I first met my best friend at the beginning of the year 2013 in the form 4. At the beginning I felt awkward introductions to make friends with new friends because I had just moved from my old school.

Firstly about Nor Hidayah Binti Ahmad Termizi. She is a hybrid ‘Melanau – Melayu’ ... Her mother came from Sarawak while her father came from Negeri Sembilan… She was born on November 5, 1997 at the Hospital Besar Negeri Sembilan... She is the youngest of three siblings...Her characteristic is a spoiled, tempered, and hard to understand but she is a friend of the merciful, good adviser and a teacher of the best on the subject that I do not understand such add math  and chemistry..

Next, is about Nur Hadirah Razni Binti Mohd Rasul…She was born at the Hospital Besar Negeri Sembilan on November 9, 1997. Her parents came from Negeri Sembilan. Her characteristic is, she is a humble person, loud talking, loud laughter, and a chaotic but she was giving support to us when we have problems, and she also cheers on our friendship...

Besides that, I also had a friend that her character a quiet but funny, a very gentle, chaotic, and in the friendship she was very understanding and are sometimes she will play the role of a sister because she's older than our birth month. .. The name given is Nur Syamim Binti  ... He was born in Pasir Mas, Kelantan on 16 March 1997 and had twins named Nur Syamimi Binti ...Her parents originated from Kelantan.

Lastly, my best friends and I still keep in touch even though we are different place of study. I hope our friendship will last till the end of life. Love you Girl's..


I have eight special friends. I became friends with them when we were 13. We studied at Mara Junior Science College Lenggong,Perak. Now we have been friends about 6 years and still counting. My best friends name Amira Adlina, Qistina Adila, Amira Natasya, Erni Erina, Yuhana, Aida, Hajar, and Nadia. But now, they have their own responsibilities to study for their own success. Adlina at KPTM Bangi, Qistina at Uitm Tapah, Tasya at College Yayasan Saad Business School, Erni same college with me which is KPTM Kuantan, Yuhana at Uitm Pasir Gudang, Aida at KPM Bandar Penawar while Nadia and Hajar at matrics college in Kedah and Penang.

Too many memories that I have experienced when we were together. We always do silly things together, watched movie, hang out, celebrate birthday together and many more. We also like to share problems together and share our secret together. They know a little things about me. I am really glad to have friends like them because they always besides me through thick and thin. Even now all of us are far a part but we still keep in touch because technology keep us stay connected.

Wherever we go,we must have friends to give happiness to us. Since I have continued my study at KPTM Kuantan, of course I will get my new friends here. I have Lelly, Ecah, Yaya and Ayu as my best friends at his college. Lelly is Kelantanese girl. She is very hardworking and always with me whenever I need a help. While Ecah is from Tanjung Malim,Perak. She is a serious girl but sometimes she can join me doing silly things. Yaya is my best partner to do crime because she likes to pranks other and we always laugh in every situations. Ayu is a brave person and really friendly. I feel safe when I am with her because she can protect me. Then, my group members also just like my best friends. I have Juju, Nisa, Vina and Alia as my group member and my best friends. We always sit together in the class and do our assignments together.

The conclusion is having a best friend are very important to everyone. Especially student like us because when we are stress or have a problem we can share it with our friends. Do not be too anti social because it can gives negative impact to you. The most important things,we must good in choosing friend. Choose good person to be your friends because it can gives positive impact to yourself.Besides that,friends can gives you happiness and can make you smile without any reason. That is all from me thank you.

Author : Fatini bt Ahmad Puat

Do you have a best friend? I am sure each of you have that one truly
best friend and so am i. I had a best friend and her name is Nur Izzah Ezniesha binti Roshaizad. But you may call her Nica, it was her nickname.

We've been friend for almost 9 years since standard 5 when we were in primary school. She is always there for me to cheer me up when I am not in good mood.
She is the most funniest yet annoying people that i knew. She always makes me
laughed with her ridiculous jokes and she is very good in teasing.

She knows everything about me and so am I, I knew everything about her.
We always to talked and shared any stories together, she is a good listener as well
and sometimes I will be her motivate adviser when she have problems and
so on. She is also always there through my day ups and downs,
also in any hard or bad conditions.

We had been through anything together, we even had fights before. Usually
she is the one who started all the fights and she is the one who always asked for
the apologize when she realized she was wrong. Even when we fight a lot, I can't hate
her or not talking to her. I will always forgive her no matter what because she is the only
one best girl friend i ever had and i know no any girls are same like her.

It is hard to find a friend like that. Making ridiculous jokes together
or even doing silly things together. Sometimes, you just to have good friend that
you can count on. For me, I found that one best girl friend that I can count on
her. Cherished the hopes that our best friend relationship would stay still
and always good because I have no idea if I lose a good friend like her.

Author : Nurul Nazwa binti Alihuddin

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