Thursday, 8 October 2015


The universe is a huge space that contain everything that exists. The celestial bodies that we see are just a small fraction of the bodies that exist in the universe. we only can see a stars, a moon, and the sun are the example of celestial bodies out of many others things in the universe. one of the reasons why we cannot see all the things exist in the universe is that they are very far away.

All stars are huge balls of hydrogen and helium gas that we always can see them at night. The stars are beautiful especially during the night. they shinning our world with their brightness. Actually stars are not in the shape that we always imagine in our real life, but the star is shape like a ball. This can be our source of light and heat.

The others thing in the universe that are amazing is constellations. As the earth moves around the sun, we can see different times of the years. Usually we can see a group of star in the sky. in the past people looked up the group of star which seems to form a pattern as a constellation. Aries, Cancer, Leo and Libra are example of the constellation the people know. to find the north direction, ancient traveler would look for the Big Dipper and from there locate the pole star.

The sun is the brightest object in the sky. The sun shine the world and it give all the living thing such as plants and people to stay a live. The sun and all the celestial bodies moving around it are together called the solar system. Lastly, our earth is the part of universe. The earth is not the coldest, fastest, slowest, hottest or smallest planet but it is the only planet on which life is known to exist. The planet's distance from the sun, the composition of its atmosphere and the fact that liquid water is found on it make life possible on it.

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